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Developer of the next-generation intelligent ultrasound technology that uses AI and Deep Learning to mimic what a trained sonographer would do
📍 Rabat, Morocco
Developer of a pioneering platform utilizing AI to expedite diagnosis and enhance treatment decision-making for neurological diseases
📍 Sousse, Tunisia
Developer of a cutting-edge solution tailored for elite female athletes aiming to optimize their performance
📍 Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Developer of an AI-powered application called CerviScanner that makes cervical cancer screening accessible, accurate, and affordable
📍 Tunis, Tunisia
Shealth AI
Developer of AI-powered systems that help healthcare providers eliminate costs, increase the speed of research, and stay customer-focused
📍 Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Developer of a technology that can detect the stages of chronic diseases such as diabetes through retinal imaging analysis of the eye
📍 Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Thakaa Med
Developer of an AI-enhanced tool for dental practices, delivering faster, accurate diagnoses and improved patient experience
📍 Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Operator of a digital health platform that lets users self-diagnose, book doctors & treatments, order medicines, and join the community
📍 Al Rayyan, Qatar
A genomics and theranostics company specializing in the precision diagnosis of patients with cancer and genetic diseases
📍 Casablanca, Morocco
Developer of accessible & affordable disease diagnostic solutions for a better, healthier tomorrow for everyone
📍 Cairo, Egypt

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