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Women's Health

Developer of a mobile app designed to help women and girls track and manage their menstrual cycles with ease and privacy
📍 Cairo, Egypt
Operator of a platform offering a suite of features designed to support women throughout their fertility, pregnancy, and motherhood journey
📍 Dubai, United Arab Emirates
NAWAT Health
Operator of a digital platform providing Arab women access to sexual and reproductive health education and online care
📍 Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Developer of a specialized electronic medical record platform meticulously designed for gynecologists
📍 Tunis, Tunisia
A FemTech startup focused on building modern products for moms, such as its state-of-the-art nursing pods
📍 Dubai, United Arab Emirates
RevAiv Health
Developer of an evidence-based app to help patients with chronic hormonal issues overcome their hormonal imbalance symptoms
📍 Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Developer a fitness app for women, allowing them to choose their workout, nutrition plan, and track their progress as they go
📍 Kuwait City, Kuwait
Provider of a tech-enabled, patient-centered holistic healthcare for Arab women
📍 Cairo, Egypt
Nabta Health
Developer of a membership-based platform offering personalized support for complex female health issues
📍 Dubai, United Arab Emirates
The first-of-its-kind fem-tech startup in the region focused on fertility and women's health
📍 Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

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