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Operator of a health & fitness platform for people, teams and corporates, providing tools and motivation to get people moving
📍 Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Developer of a digital companion that provides users with everything they need for a healthy and fitness lifestyle in a hassle-free manner
📍 Amman, Jordan
Developer of a platform that encourages people to move through a mobile app that counts their steps and converts them to coins
📍 Amman, Jordan
Developer of an Arabic fitness and nutrition app offering personalized body transformation programs
📍 Cairo, Egypt
Developer of a motion-based fitness app that provides real-time, interactive feedback and engagement
📍 Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Your Fitness Coach
Developer of a holistic fitness app connecting users with fitness facilities, providers and trainers around the globe
📍 Dubai, United Arab Emirates
A fitness rewards app designed to enable users to incorporate wellness into their everyday life and stay fit
📍 Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Fit On Click
An initiative to incorporate healthy lifestlye into the day-to-day life of Dubai residents
📍 Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Operator of a "super app" for fitness providing a one-stop-shop app to get fit and build a healthy lifestyle
📍 Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Operator of a global platform connecting health seekers and wellness providers from various health & wellness systems
📍 Dubai, United Arab Emirates

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