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Diabetes Management

developer of an innovative device that helps individuals with diabetes manage their insulin injections more effectively
📍 Tunis, Tunisia
Provider of personalized, technology-driven solutions for managing and reversing type 2 diabetes
📍 Cairo, Egypt
Provider of a continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) program that offers real-time tracking of blood glucose levels
📍 Doha, Qatar
Developer of a digital transformation platform revolutionizing healthcare and chronic disease management across the Middle East and Africa (MEA)
📍 Giza, Egypt
Developer of a digital healthcare platform for diabetes management
📍 Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
amplifAI health
Developer of a novel technology combining thermal imaging and computer vision to create an objective assessment for diabetic foot ulcers
📍 Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Developer of a new model of diabetic care that provides 24/7 coverage by tracking patient information from wearable technology and medical devices
📍 Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Developer of a mobile app offering remote consultation services with diabetes specialists
📍 Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Developer of a cloud-based solution for clinics, featuring EMR, RCM, ERP, HR, and patient wellness
📍 Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Provider of a digital therapeutics product to help people prevent or manage chronic conditions
📍 Doha, Qatar

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