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Appointments & Referrals

Provider of an online platform that assists people with their physical, mental, and emotional health while enabling clinics to establish virtual units
📍 Dubai, United Arab Emirates
HNAcare closed
A membership card that provides special offers and discounts from different healthcare service providers in Saudi Arabia in more than 20 specialties
📍 Makkah, Saudi Arabia
Operator of a platform for connecting patients and doctors that provides users access to convenient, affordable, and quality healthcare
📍 Kuwait City, Kuwait
Qayim Dactory
Doctors' evaluation site in Saudi Arabia allowing users to learn about the best doctors according to patients' opinions
📍 Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Operator of an online booking service and a mobile app for patients to find nearby doctors
📍 Al Khubar, Saudi Arabia
Developer and operator of a mobile app offering quick and easy access to health services at a discount
📍 Cairo, Egypt
Smart Medical Services
Provider of a tech-enabled, personalized, affordable, and data-driven healthcare journey for individuals and businesses in Egypt & beyond
📍 Giza, Egypt
Developer of a healthcare concierge service that lets users connect to pharmacies, doctors and clinics
📍 Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Developer of an online platform that lets users book the best doctors in Qatar, UAE and Nigeria
📍 Doha, Qatar
Operator of a subscription service offering savings on therapeutic and medical services for residents of Saudi Arabia
📍 Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

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